1. 1.Technology has lost.
NaziGermany’s ambitious vengeance weapon Program developed V2 Rocket. It was the world's first long-range guidedballistic missile. The V-2 rocket was also thefirst artificial object to travel into space by crossing the Kármánline with the vertical launch on 20 June 1944. Over 3,000 V-2s were
launched by the German Wehrmacht against Allied targets. Thousands of experts,scientists, engineers and technicians, worked day and night on this project.Production and launch of such large number of world’s most advanced Rockets, inrelatively very short period of time enabled the project related scientists, engineers, and technicians toachieve the level of skill and expertise that is very hard to achieve undernormal circumstances.Wernher Braun a German aerospace engineer and space architect, was the leading figure in the development of rocket technology in Nazi Germany.
launched by the German Wehrmacht against Allied targets. Thousands of experts,scientists, engineers and technicians, worked day and night on this project.Production and launch of such large number of world’s most advanced Rockets, inrelatively very short period of time enabled the project related scientists, engineers, and technicians toachieve the level of skill and expertise that is very hard to achieve undernormal circumstances.Wernher Braun a German aerospace engineer and space architect, was the leading figure in the development of rocket technology in Nazi Germany.
Following the war he was secretly brought to the United States, along withabout 1,600 other German scientists, engineers, and technicians, as part of Operation Paperclip. He worked for the United States Army on an intermediate-range ballisticmissile program, and he developed the rockets that launched the UnitedStates' first space satellite Explorer 1. In 1960, his group was assimilated into NASA, where he servedas director of the newly formed Marshall Space Flight Center and asthe chief architect of the Saturn V super heavy-lift launch vehiclethat propelled the Apollo spacecraft to the Moon. As of 2020, theSaturn V remains the tallest, heaviest, and most powerful (highest total
impulse) rocket ever brought to operational status, and holds records forthe heaviest payload launched and largest payload capacity of 140,000 kg .Todate, the Saturn V remains the only launch vehicle to carry humans beyond lowEarth orbit. A total of 15 flight-capable vehicles were built, but only 13 wereflown. An additional three vehicles were built for ground testing purposes. A total of 24 astronauts were launched tothe Moon in the four years spanning December 1968 through December 1972. As thelargest production model of the Saturn family of rockets, the Saturn V was designed under the direction of Wernhervon Braun at the Marshall Space Flight Center.
Although Wernher von Braun was working for US but previously being the part of Nazi Army he and his team worked secretly.They kept all the technology secret. All the work was done manually with hands,and all the related blue prints were made in such a manner that no one other than those who made blue prints couldunderstand. We can say that the real blue prints were in the brains of thosescientists and engineers who were working under Braun.Wernher von Braun and all his team members arenow passed away. There is no one who could understand and could built all those hardware again. Humans cannot land on moon again because the present space tech and expertise are still far behind and insufficient to build space hardware of such a scale that can take humans beyond even Lower Earth Orbit.
2.Lack of economic and human Resources.
During2nd WW Germany provided all the available resources from all theoccupied lands required for the development and production of such an ambitiouslarge scale project. Not only this, Germany inducted hundreds and thousands ofwar prisoners to complete the project in given time. After War, US also dedicatedunlimited budget, resources and man power for the missile and space program. At
present, no country or group of country is in a position to provide unlimitedresources as were provided by Nazi Germany and USA for the development andproduction of such space missions.
present, no country or group of country is in a position to provide unlimitedresources as were provided by Nazi Germany and USA for the development andproduction of such space missions.
3.Preference to Cheapest and easiest instead of
Best of the Best.
Uptill 70s, most of the scientists, engineers and technicians were seeking forthe perfectness, for the best of the best. This resulted in production of highquality components with maximum reliability and longer life span. Quality andreliability were the KEY FEATURES thatenabled men to land on Moon. They hardly care for the cost or the extra hardwork or time. Such components were easy to maintain, easily repairable and werevery reliable. But now things are produced by keeping in mind the profit from its production. These products work only for a very short period of time, hardto repair and usually require continuous replacement or up gradations aftershort periods of time. Such components are very sensitive and are easily damaged. Scientists of Nazi Germany who were working for USA and USSR want to achieve Perfectness. They never compromised on quality. Even after the defeat of Nazi Germany, these scientists continued their research and tried to achieve the highest level of Perfectness. And this is how they achieved their goals and
turned the impossible into possible.
turned the impossible into possible.